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GREEN-INC is the abbreviation of GRowing Effective & Equitable Nature-based Solutions through INClusive Climate Actions: a European research project with 6 universities and 5 partner cities.

We will research how Inclusive Climate Actions can lead to more effective and equitable Nature-based Solutions for both communities and ecosystems. GREEN-INC aims to help European cities to implement Inclusive Climate Actions that result in a more just delivery and design of Nature-based Solutions by incorporating fairness and distributing NbS impacts as equitably as possible.

Nature-based Solutions
Nature-based Solutions bring natural features into cities and have become popular tools in European cities to address climate change impacts. Examples include green roofs, pocketparks and permeable paving. Despite the multiple benefits, concerns exist that Nature-based Solutions (NbS) reproduce existing urban inequalities and injustices. To illustrate, NbS benefits can be unevenly distributed among urban residents and neighbourhoods. Concerns have also been raised about fair planning processes and the stigmatisation of people and places, in the worst case leading to NbS acquiring an exclusionary character. 


Inclusive Climate Actions
Inclusive Climate Actions are solutions addressing both climate change and urban inequalities. They address the concerns about Nature-based Solutions by considering the direct and indirect impacts of NbS, and the distribution of NbS impacts. 

GREEN-INC will evaluate Inclusive Climate Actions in Amsterdam, Brussels, Bucharest, Turin and Skellefteå, and experiment with new Inclusive Climate Actions in five urban living labs.

Catch the

Want to know what we are up to? Keep an eye on our activities below. 


15NovNovember 15-16
Participation to the 3rd International Conference on “Re-shaping Territories, Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography” in Bucharest, Romania
"The justice dimensions of nature-based solutions: A systematic analysis of European literature"Read more...
05Nov5th-7th November
“Urban Transitions” conference, in Sitges.
Participation to the "Urban Transitions" conference
17OctOctober 17th-20th
International Geographical Seminar Dimitrie Cantemir, in Iași, Romania
"Inclusive nature-based solutions. A European perspective"
07Oct7th-9th October
8th International Conference on Green Urbanism, in Rome
Participation to the 8th International Conference on Green Urbanism Read more...
03OctOctober 3rd-4th
“Science for Sustainable Development” conference in Tiblisi
International Scientific Conference “Science for Sustainable Development”
23Sep23th-24th September
GREEN-INC 2nd Consortium Meeting in Brussells
2nd Consortium Meeting of GREEN-INC members
GREEN-INC at DUT-JPI call launch event in Brussells
Presentation of GREEN-INC at the DUT-JPI call launch event in Brussels, hosted by InnovirisRead more...
GREEN-INC Launch and Workshops in Ull Skellefteå
Two workshop sessions among the GREEN-INC team and the actors involved in the Skellefteå Urban Living Lab, to understand local conditions and defining possible inclusive climate actions to be implemented in the ULL site.Read more...
07JunJune 7th-June 9th
“Present Environment and Sustainable Development” conference in Iași
International Conference: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, XIX-th edition
GREEN-INC first workshop in Valentino Castle, Turin
GREEN-INC workshop in Turin