The Arrivore Park

The Arrivore Park was created through the requalification of a large landfill area in the North of Torino. Children from the neighborhood participated in the design of the park, through the City of Torino’s ‘Sustainable City’ Laboratory: they were asked to express themselves, accompanied by a tutor, on the areas dedicated to play and socialization. Another part of the park is not used for urban gardens rented by the City to local gardeners. The area hosts 140 regulated urban gardens, a connecting bicycle and pedestrian path along the entire route, an equipped picnic area, a sports area with a volleyball court and a soccer field, and the play area, with huts and swings made of locust wood, branches and roots.

In June 2023 the local associations RETE ONG and Eco delle Città presented “Lombrico Amico”, a worm-growing project that will produce humus using garden clippings and organic residue from local markets and urban farmers at the parco dell’Arrivore. The goal of the program is to promote social agriculture as a tool for community development, working on four themes in particular: 1)Psychophysical well-being of the population, 2)Social inclusion, 3)Raising awareness of a sustainable lifestyle, 4)Countering different forms of poverty, especially educational poverty.  Promoting a circular economy model to be upscaled in other gardens of the city