Scientific report: A place-based framework for assessing the effectiveness of inclusive climate actions for nature-based solutions in cities

Authors: Virginia Pellerey and Sara Torabi Moghadam

Institute: Politecnico di Torino, DIST – Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning


The deliverable (D1.1) of Task 1.1(WP1) is the definition and validation of the Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for NbS performance. Task 1.1 includes a variety of minor objects that had to be achieved in order to develop the framework, such as an initial analysis of the selected case studies and relative stakeholders, an in-depth and systematic literature review of the existing tools, the development of a methodology for selection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and the integration of place-based supporting indicators in each of the case studies. Moreover, an important aim of this task was to engage local stakeholders in the development of the monitoring and evaluation framework in order to promote inclusivity in the assessment process.
D1.1 reports the summary of the methodology and results of the M&E framework. In addition, an academic article (A place-based framework for assessing the effectiveness of inclusive climate actions for nature-based solutions in cities (Pellerey & Moghadam, 2024)) was written describing the methodology employed for the development of the framework and providing detailed information on the results and their relevance.


Link to the full report: GREEN-INC deliverable by Virginia Pellerey and Sara Torabi

Link to read the academic article: Virginia Pellerey and Sara Torabi – A place-based framework for assessing the effectiveness of inclusive climate