The Laboratory on Landscape, Urbanism, Infrastructure and Ecologies (LoUIsE) is a transdisciplinary laboratory of the faculty of architecture La Cambre-Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles. LoUIsE is actively involved in transdisciplinary action research projects with focus on themes of urban inclusion, urban economy, urban ecology and sustainable urban water management. Specifically, the LoUIsE team is responsible for facilitating five participatory co-analysis workshops and five backcasting roundtables within the five Urban Living Labs (ULLs). Their approach involves working closely with local partners to activate the ULLs, aiming to investigate existing socio-economic dynamics and environmental issues through a participatory co-design process. Ultimately, this participatory approach leads to the negotiation of a preferred scenario (backcasting roundtable) with a multitude of local stakeholders, facilitating the implementation of Integrated Climate Adaptation solutions within the ULLs.
Our cases
- Université Libre de Bruxelles